February is known to be the month with the coldest temperatures here in Canada, but also the month with plenty of winter festivals, as well as the month of love.
Around the world, in February there are different cultural customs from ancient rituals celebrating the victory of good over evil, to celebrating the coming spring season or expressing love to each other. They all have in common the expression of kindness, love, joy and respect of everything that surrounds us.
Dragobete, a Romanian traditional love celebration
Being born, growing-up and having lived in Romania most of my life before I moved to Canada, I had the chance to experience Dragobete, the Romanian traditional love celebration.
Dragobete is celebrated each year on February 24th and has its roots in the Romanian mythology of an old-age cultural traditions dating more than 2,300 years ago.
The legend’s main character, Dragobete, who is the son of Baba Dochia (“old lady Dochia”), the daughter of the last Dacian King Decebalus, is pictured as being a courageous, kind and loving young man. He is the patron saint of love and cheerfulness who didn’t use his powers to make people fall in love, but rather to encourage them to never stop celebrating love.

This traditional Romanian holiday also marks the beginning of the rebirth of nature, when farmers start preparing for spring planting crops activities, and the birds begin to build their nests and mate. It is the reason why this day is known as “the day when the birds are betrothed”.
During Dragobete’s traditional celebration the boys (young men) and girls (young women) would search for wild spring flowers in their nearby, either forests or plains. The boys would run after girls they like and when they would catch her, they will kiss, if the girl likes him back. That is how the couple announce their love to the entire community.
Traditionally those who are single would meet a person they are attracted to and a simple hug will turn their love life for the best.
If you would like to find more about this Romanian legend, I am inviting you to read this wonderful written Romanian blog that describes some particular traditional customs still practiced these days by Romanians during the Dragobete celebration.
Small gestures to show kindness

Why not showing love and kindness to each other every day, instead of doing that in a particular day?
Being kind is a gift that everyone can give freely, and this small gest has a big positive impact on ones well-being and everyone around.
We can all celebrate love and show kindness using small gestures as:
- Picking up the phone and call a family member, an old friend, or an acquaintance.
- Visit a loved one.
- When walking stop to speak with a neighbor.
- Help an elderly person with shopping or snow removal chores.
- Dare to contact somebody that was recommended to you.
- When socializing make new friends.
- Show compassion and support those in needs
Taking care of our wellbeing, is also a form of love. When feeling good and healthy, ones positive energy spreads around and help others to feel better.
What other gestures of showing love and kindness you can recommend? Thank you for sharing with us on the comments below.
- Sending Love , Mihaela